okay so I have two arrays
$array_one([a] => 2, [b] => 1, [c] => 1);
$array_two([a] => 1, [b] => 2, [c] => 1);
I want to be able to loop through both of these arrays simultaneously so I can make simple comparisons. I looked at using a foreach loop but I can only process the information one array at a time. I also looked at merging the arrays but I can not see the use in doing this since I need both the keys and values to make the comparisons. does anyone have a solution to this problem? I appreciate your time in advanced.
to be specific on the comparisons I want to something to this extent
if ($keyone == $keytwo && $valuetwo <= $valueone)
print_r ($array_two);
Would it be possible to use recursion to loop instead of using and iterative loop?
If they have the same keys you can just loop through the keys and use them to index the arrays using array_keys
foreach(array_keys($array_one) as $key) {
// do something with $array_one[$key] and $array_two[$key]
If you're worried about some keys not existing you can try (e.g.) array_key_exists($key,$array_two)