Assume there is a cell array initialized with the following struct values.
% Phone book
phone_record{1} = struct('name', 'Bob', 'phone', '1233323');
phone_record{2} = struct('name', 'Mike', 'phone', '3245524');
% How can I make such a or similar one-liner work?
% phonebook(:) = phone_record{:}
% Expected:
% phonebook(1).name = 'Bob';
% phonebook(1).phone= '1233323';
% phonebook(2).name = 'Mike';
% phonebook(2).phone = '3245524';
Is it indeed possible to accomplish this without using cell2struct or for loop indexing? Can one use deal or similar?
You can use cell2mat
ans =
1x2 struct array with fields: