So I have generated a parser via JISON:
// mygenerator.js
var Parser = require("jison").Parser;
// a grammar in JSON
var grammar = {
"lex": {
"rules": [
["\\s+", "/* skip whitespace */"],
["[a-f0-9]+", "return 'HEX';"]
"bnf": {
"hex_strings" :[ "hex_strings HEX",
"HEX" ]
// `grammar` can also be a string that uses jison's grammar format
var parser = new Parser(grammar);
// generate source, ready to be written to disk
var parserSource = parser.generate();
// you can also use the parser directly from memory
// returns true
parser.parse("adfe34bc e82a");
// throws lexical error
parser.parse("adfe34bc zxg");
My question is, how do I retrieve the AST now? I can see that I can run the parser against input, but it just returns true if it works or fails if not.
For the record, I am using JISON:
I'm not too familiar with Jison's inner workings, so I don't know any method that would do it.
But in case you're interested in a little bruteforce to solve this problem, try this:
First, create an object to hold the AST
function jisonAST(name, x) { = name; this.x = x; }
// return the indented AST
jisonAST.prototype.get = function(indent){
// create an indentation for level l
function indentString(l) { var r=""; for(var i=0;i<l;i++){r+=" "}; return r }
var r = indentString(indent) + "["": ";
var rem = this.x;
if( rem.length == 1 && !(rem[0] instanceof jisonAST) ) r += "'"+rem[0]+"'";
else for( i in rem ){
if( rem[i] instanceof jisonAST ) r += "\n" + rem[i].get(indent+1);
else { r += "\n" + indentString(indent+1); r += "'"+rem[i]+"'"; }
return r + "]";
Add a little helper function for Jison's BNF
function o( s ){
r = "$$ = new yy.jisonAST('"+s+"',[";
for( i = 1; i <= s.split(" ").length; i++ ){ r += "$"+i+"," }
r = r.slice(0,-1) + "]);";
return [s,r];
With this, continue to the example code (slight modification):
var Parser = require("jison").Parser;
// a grammar in JSON
var grammar = {
"lex": {
"rules": [
["\\s+", "/* skip whitespace */"],
["[a-f0-9]+", "return 'HEX';"]
"bnf": {
// had to add a start/end, see below
"start" : [ [ "hex_strings", "return $1" ] ],
"hex_strings" :[
o("hex_strings HEX"),
var parser = new Parser(grammar);
// expose the AST object to Jison
parser.yy.jisonAST = jisonAST
Now you can try parsing:
console.log( parser.parse("adfe34bc e82a 43af").get(0) );
This will give you:
[hex_strings HEX:
[hex_strings HEX:
[HEX: 'adfe34bc']
Small note: I had to add a "start" rule, in order to only have one statement that returns the result. It is not clean (since the BNF works fine without it). Set it as an entry point to be sure...