
PyroCMs for some large applications

I would like to use PyroCMS for a golf company website. PyroCMS have very great admin panel and we can also use themes to change whole look of website.

I want to modify, extend admin in such a way the whole admin will be where I can easily manage players, contents, registrations etc.

it means I want to add extra tabs in admin panel from where control website functions.

Is this possible?


  • There's a perfect documentation for PyroCMS on their website. You should look into that. When making your own modules (thus making new buttons inside the admin panel) you can always refer to existing modules.

    Also the forums can help you out if you have specific coding questions. Be aware that PyroCMS is based upon the framework "CodeIgniter", and their "User Guide" is also a good source when developing.

    On a sidenote: When online, be sure that there's always a "Powered by PyroCMS" link visible when you did not buy a license. The free license forbids to take the copyrights away.

    Good luck.