
When I make input binding to the "return" key in a DataGrid, I don't leave the edit cell

When I am in a grid, I want to capture some keys to do something. I capture the "delete" key and I have not problems, but when I try to capture the "Return" key and I am editing a cell, when I press the Return key I don't leave the edit cell mode.

If I don't do the keybinding of the Return, when I press the return while I am editing a cell, it leaves the edit mode and goes to the next row.

If I comment all the code of the "Return" keybinding, the problem occurs, so I think that the problem is not the code that I use, but is the input keybinding of the return key.

must I have some special considerations when I want to capture the return key?

I am using the following code in the xaml to make the binding:

                <KeyBinding Key="Delete" Command="{Binding myCommand}"

                <KeyBinding Key="Return" Command="{Binding myCommand}"



  • You overwrite the existing input-binding to the CommitEditCommand, you need to manually execute that command in your own if you want to retain the default behavior.

    (You can use CommitEdit for that, which invokes the command.)