Cakephp 2.0 Pagination issue. How to pass arguments in pagination link?
I passed the arguments like
$this->Paginator->options(array('url' => $this->request->query));
but after 2 nd page its not working .
On first page submitted values are coming in $this->request->query
but from second page
its coming in $this->params->named
but it needs to come in $this->request->query
My Pagination part from view file:
<div class="paging">
$this->Paginator->options(array('url' => $this->request->query));
echo $this -> Paginator -> prev('< ' . __('Previous'), array(), null, array('class' => 'prev disabled'));
echo $this -> Paginator -> numbers(array('separator' => ''));
echo $this -> Paginator -> next(__('Next') . ' >', array(), null, array('class' => 'next disabled'));
while printing params on first page :
[query] => Array
[first_name] =>
[username] => an
[email] =>
[dob] => Array
[year] =>
[month] =>
[day] =>
while printing params on second page :
[named] => Array
[first_name] =>
[username] => an
[email] =>
[dob%5Byear%5D] =>
[dob%5Bmonth%5D] =>
[dob%5Bday%5D] =>
[query] => Array
[/admin/users/index/first_name:/username:an/email:/dob] => Array
[year] =>
I added the following code in View file and now every thing is working fine. in all pages param values are coming in request->query
$url = $this->params['url'];
if(isset($this->request->data) && !empty($this->request->data)) {
foreach($this->request->data[$model_name] as $key=>$value)
$url[$key] = $value;
$get_var = http_build_query($url);
$arg1 = array();
$arg2 = array();
//take the named url
$arg1 = $this->params['named'];
//take the pass arguments
$arg2 = $this->params['pass'];
//merge named and pass
$args = array_merge($arg1,$arg2);
//add get variables
$args["?"] = $get_var;
$this->Paginator->options(array('url' => $args));
And in Controller action method I added the following
$args = $this->params['url'];
foreach($this->data['User'] as $key=>$value)
$args[$key] = $value;
foreach($args as $key=>$value)
$this->request->data['User'][$key] = $value;