
copy non transparent pixels only to HTML5 canvas

I am writing a colouring game for small children, where I have a black and white image shown on a canvas initially, and as the user moves the drawing tool (mouse) over the canvas, the black and white surface gets over-painted with the colour information from the corresponding coloured image.

In particular, on every mouse move I need to copy a circular area from the coloured image to my canvas. The edge of the circle should be a little blurry to better immitate the qualities of a real drawing tool.

The question is how to accomplish this?

One way I see is to use a clipping region, but this approach does not let me have blurry edges. Or does it?

So I was thinking about using an alpha mask to do that and copy only pixels that correspond to the pixels in the mask that have non zero alpha. Is it feasible?


  • My suggestion is to have your drawable canvas in front of the coloured image you wish to reveal. (You could use your coloured image as a CSS background image for the canvas.)

    Initially have the canvas containing the black and white image with 100% opacity. Then, when you draw, actually erase the contents of the canvas to show the image behind.

    Like this:

    var pos_x, pos_y, circle_radius;  // initialise these appropriately
    context.globalCompositeOperation = 'destination-out';
    context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0, 1.0)";
    // And "draw" a circle (actually erase it to reveal the background image)
    context.arc(pos_x, pos_y, circle_radius, 0, Math.PI*2);