
Using MigLayout imported from .jar

I'm usually working in Eclipse. In my program, I'm using this miglayout-4.0-swing.jar file from this source: link.
Somehere in the .jar file is class with MigLayout.
I use these imports:

import net.miginfocom.layout.Grid; 
import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout;

//It's from the jar file.

In Eclipse i just add library:
Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add JARs/Add external JARs -> path to miglayout-4.0-swing.jar
So in Everything working.
But I need to run it from terminal: java (I don't use packages so i use just classes from bin) but there is the problem with the .jar file, cause myMain class probably don't know where are the classes for that .jar (doesn't work the imports upper). I tryed copy the .jar file to same directory where are the classes. Doesn't help. What should I do to add the .jar file correctly?


  • Command line java command don't know where to look for the miglayout jar file. You should run in from command line like

    java -cp path_to_miglayout_jar myMain