I am using spring. I need to read values from properties file. This is internal properties file not the external properties file. Properties file can be as below.
some.properties ---file name. values are below.
abc = abc
def = dsd
ghi = weds
jil = sdd
I need to read those values from the properties file not in traditional way. How to achieve it? Is there any latest approach with spring 3.0?
Configure PropertyPlaceholder in your context:
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath*:my.properties"/>
Then you refer to the properties in your beans:
class MyClass {
private String[] myValues;
To parse property with multiple comma-separated values:
If that doesn't work, you can define a bean with properties, inject and process it manually:
<bean id="myProperties"
<property name="locations">
and the bean:
class MyClass {
private Properties myProperties;
public void init() {
// do whatever you need with properties