
Should exception messages that are targeted to the developer be localized?

I am referring to exception messages that show the developer is incorrectly using an API. For example incorrectly passing a null to method. So the type of exception that the developer will get the first time they have run their incorrect code. The type of exception message that should never get to be displayed to the user of a system.

This is kind of related to the theory that since the programming language is in English then the programmer already has an understanding of English. Or at least enough to decipher an exception message.

http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001248.html (please no discussion of this theory here)

And yes I know that the .net framework follows the "localize everything" approach.


  • Your question can be rephrased as "should all developers get the same error message so that they can Google it?" ;)

    And the answer to that is yes.

    Translation means that

    About .NET's "localize everything" approach, it is horrible. I've been tripped up by it countless times, especially because if it is unable to find the localized resource, it does not give you the plain English version. It gives you a "Could not locate resource" error instead, effectively throwing away the actual error information.