
Does AMD's OpenCL offer something similar to CUDA's GPUDirect?

NVIDIA offers GPUDirect to reduce memory transfer overheads. I'm wondering if there is a similar concept for AMD/ATI? Specifically:

  1. Do AMD GPUs avoid the second memory transfer when interfacing with network cards, as described here. In case the graphic is lost at some point, here is a description of the impact of GPUDirect on getting data from a GPU on one machine to be transferred across a network interface: With GPUDirect, GPU memory goes to Host memory then straight to the network interface card. Without GPUDirect, GPU memory goes to Host memory in one address space, then the CPU has to do a copy to get the memory into another Host memory address space, then it can go out to the network card.

  2. Do AMD GPUs allow P2P memory transfers when two GPUs are shared on the same PCIe bus, as described here. In case the graphic is lost at some point, here is a description of the impact of GPUDirect on transferring data between GPUs on the same PCIe bus: With GPUDirect, data can move directly between GPUs on the same PCIe bus, without touching host memory. Without GPUDirect, data always has to go back to the host before it can get to another GPU, regardless of where that GPU is located.

Edit: BTW, I'm not entirely sure how much of GPUDirect is vaporware and how much of it is actually useful. I've never actually heard of a GPU programmer using it for something real. Thoughts on this are welcome too.


  • I think you may be looking for the CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR flag in clCreateBuffer. While the OpenCL specification states that this flag "This flag specifies that the application wants the OpenCL implementation to allocate memory from host accessible memory", it is uncertain what AMD's implementation (or other implementations) might do with it.

    Here's an informative thread on the topic

    Hope this helps.

    Edit: I do know that nVidia's OpenCL SDK implements this as allocation in pinned/page-locked memory. I am fairly certain this is what AMD's OpenCL SDK does when running on the GPU.