
Barcode scanner interface for JSF app, Applet or JWS?

i wanna ask you about your opinion: I work as independent software developer, and i have a project (i haven't started yet) about develop a web software that can use barcode scanners to read information of products to use in a POS. I usually work with Seam 2 Framework (Richfaces & Primefaces) and i wanna use this framework for this app, but sincerely in my life as java developer, i never developed an applet nor JWS application, so i wanna ask you:



  • Most barcode scanner simply act as a kind of keyboard - when a barcode is scanned the OS driver simulates keypresses corresponding to the digits of the barcode. So any non-daft application can "work" with those scanner on a very fundamental level.

    If your app can get away with barcode-data in every input-field you could still use JSF.