I'm using SWFObject to embed a swf and it ends up covering some HTML components on the page. However the HTML is bleeding through on top of the flash movie.
I've played with wmode settings and z-index's, absolute vs relative positioning and nothing seems to work in firefox / safari. Chrome is working exactly as I would expect with wmode=window (the flash is always on top of HTML).
Any ideas how I can tell safari / firefox to keep their HTML behind the flash at all costs?
Do you have a link as an example for us?
Usually, you'll want a combo of:
<div class="container">
<div class="flash">Flash</div>
<div class="html">HTML</div>
.html {
.html {
Though I'd like to see a link of the HTML escaping over the top of Flash in your situation.
Here's an example I put together, using SWFObject, to position Flash on top of HTML and using the above solution to have everything display as you'd expect: http://codefinger.co.nz/public/flash_atop_html/
Tested in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, IE.