
Doctrine table IDs as array IDs

I found a very useful Doctrine function to set an attribute on a table for getting the database IDs also as keys in the resulting Doctrine_Collection. This function is documented here:

Now the question. I cannot use the table object itself, because I need to create a dynamic query on the table (and not the magic finders as in the example).

I tried this code:

$doctrineTable = Doctrine_Core::getTable($table);
$doctrineTable->setAttribute(Doctrine_Core::ATTR_COLL_KEY, "id");
$q = $doctrineTable->createQuery("t");
foreach ($filter as $c => $v) // lopp thru coumns
    if (is_array($v)) // use whereIn if value is an array
        $q->andWhereIn("t." . $c, $v);
    elseif (is_null($v)) // use is null for null values
        $q->andWhere("t." . $c . " IS NULL");
    else // use where in other cases
        $q->andWhere("t." . $c . "=?", $v);
return $q->fetchAll();

Unfortunately the resulting collection is still not using an associative array, but a normal one just using keys from 0 up.

Anybody has an idea how to achieve that for a query on a single table?

Cheers, Daniel


  • You are looking for the INDEXBY keyword.

    The INDEXBY keyword offers a way of mapping certain columns as collection / array keys. By default Doctrine indexes multiple elements to numerically indexed arrays / collections. The mapping starts from zero. In order to override this behavior you need to use INDEXBY keyword