I am currently working on implementing Puppet in our environment, and I have a request I don’t know if Puppet itself can fulfill:
If I have a configuration file at /etc/myconfig.conf
, and I want it to be written only if it does not already exist, then I could achieve that via an exec
resource’s onlyif
But is there any way that I can get Puppet to do something like a notify
if it detects a change in a file?
I don’t want it to actually change the file, only to notify me that the file is not the way I want it to be.
Although there are no examples in this question, I hope someone is able to push me in the right direction here. If I create a solution for this based on tips, I will post the answer myself for others to learn from.
For only creating a file if it doesn't exist, try setting replace to false, like so:
file { "/etc/myconfig.conf":
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/myconfig.conf",
replace => false,
Docs for that are here: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/2.7.0/type.html#file
For the notification, puppet auditing will do what you need: http://puppetlabs.com/blog/all-about-auditing-with-puppet/