
php, mysql search entry function

i want to build a search fnction for my php class which builds a sql search string for searching specific entries with a short line of code:

$obj -> search(array('key'=>'value'),true_or_false);

i wonder if there is any easier possibility to get the self results... in fact i have to build this function with operational sign to get the possibility for AND or "OR" depencies...

if you use this,


it generates the sql query string with "AND" instead of "OR"

any suggestions?

i'm looking especially for a simple and clean solution to make "LIKE" or "=" dynamic and use a simple 1-liner to get my results... :)

function search($params,$strict = false)
        return false;

    $sql = 'SELECT `sampleid` FROM `sampletable` WHERE ';
    $n = 0;
    foreach ( $params AS $key => $value )
        $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key);
        $op = substr($key,0,1)=='+'?true:false;
        $key = $op ? substr($key,1,strlen($key)):$key;
        $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
        $str = sprintf($strict!==false?"`%s` = '%s'":"`%s` LIKE '%%%s%%'",$key,$value);

            $sql .= $op ? ' AND ' : ' OR ';
        $sql .= $str;

    $sql .= ' LIMIT 25'; //implode($strict!==false?' AND ':' OR ',$req) . ' LIMIT 25';
    return $this -> db -> get($sql);

sry for my english, it's not my native language...


  • If you return instead an instance of you object you can chain and build the query in a private string and then your last statement could be compile/run the statement.

    $db->select('*')->from('table')->where('a = 1')->compile();


    select * from table where a = 1