I'm trying to include a legend in an Incanter chart, but I'm having some troubles getting what I want:
I want to be able to instantiate a chart with no data first (using [] []
as my x y arguments), then add the data points in a separate step. However the only way to add a legend is to specify :legend true
after the initial x y points are given in the constructor. Cannot specify :legend true
without x y arguments, and I have not found any add-legend
The legend option captures the code I use when adding the chart data, which means if I don't want ugly code to appear in the legend I have to create a nice-looking vars for the X and Y points, rather than just calling a function in line.
Therefore the legend that is created includes the [][]
used when creating the blank plot, it includes the function calls used when getting the data for the points, and it includes the name-mangled anonymous function (fn*[p1__3813#](second p1__3813#))
which is non-communicative to consumers of my chart.
I just want to be able to associate a string with each group of points in the legend like in matlab, excel, etc.
Here is my current code;
(def lux-ratios-plot
(doto (scatter-plot [] [] :legend true
:title "Lux/CH0 vs. CH1/CH0"
:x-label "CH1/CH0"
:y-label "Lux/CH0")
(doseq [dut [incs hals cfls leds]]
(add-points lux-ratios-plot (get-vals :CH1/CH0 dut) (get-vals :Lux/CH0 dut) :points true))
; Show the trend line for each bulb
(doseq [fit [inc-fit hal-fit cfl-fit led-fit]]
(add-lines lux-ratios-plot (map #(second %) (:x fit)) (:fitted fit)))
Therefore is there any way in Incanter plots to specify a legend string with each (add-lines ...)
or (add-points ...)
Thanks a lot
Every Incanter chart is also a JFreeChart object. So you could use any of the JFreeChart methods to manipulate your Incanter chart.
For example to remove the legend you can do (.removeLegend lux-ratios-plot). There is also an addLegend method. Haven't tried that one myself. Hope this helps.