
How to use AES-256 encryption in lockbox 3 using delphi

I've downloaded Lockbox3 about a week ago and i can't use it, and i couldn't understand the demo because it's complex i couldn't get the codes i want from it, I'd like to use lockbox 3 AES-256 encryption to encrypt strings in Delphi.


  • The method and property names pretty much say it all. Here is a method which encrypts a string and then decrypts it back again, assuming you've setup the codec properties at design time, which are also self-describing.

    procedure TForm1.actEncryptStringExecute( Sender: TObject );
      Plaintext, sReconstructedPlaintext: string;
      base64Ciphertext: ansistring;
    sPlainText := 'I love LockBox 3!';
    if not InputQuery( 'Plaintext', 'Enter plaintext that you want to encrypt (UTF-16LE encoding):', sPlainText) then exit;
    codec.EncryptString( sPlaintext, base64Ciphertext);
    ShowMessageFmt('The base64 encoding of the encoded ciphertext is'#13#10+'%s',[base64Ciphertext]);
    codec.DecryptString( sReconstructedPlaintext, base64Ciphertext);
    ShowMessageFmt('After decryption, this decrypts back to %s',[sReconstructedPlaintext])

    Have another look at the demo program. The handler for Encrypt button, encrypts a file instead of a string. That aside, if you strip away the decorative fluff, like posting information to a memo, and handling exceptions if the user specified a non-existant file, its increddibly simple - it basically boils down to one line...

    codecMainDemo.EncryptFile( edtPlaintextFile.Text, edtCiphertextFile.Text );

    To encrypt a string, you call EncryptString(). To encrypt a file you call EncryptFile().

    The demo shows the setup, to wit:

    1. Put an TCryptographicLibrary component on your form;
    2. Put a TCodec component on your form;
    3. Select your prefered cipher
    4. Select your prefered chaining mode; and
    5. Set the password

    and Bob's your uncle!

    Let me know if you have any problems.