
How to fix AS3 XML node selection by attribute value not working?

When I trace describeType(objectClass).factory.implementsInterface I get:

<implementsInterface type="flash.events::IEventDispatcher" />
<implementsInterface type="flash.display::IBitmapDrawable" />
<implementsInterface type="com.rcdmk.objectPooling::IPoolable" />

But when I trace describeType(objectClass).factory.implementsInterface.(@type == "com.rcdmk.objectPooling::IPoolable") I get nothing.

I would like to select the node with the attribute type equals com.rcdmk.objectPooling::IPoolable.

What am I missing here? How can I check if this objectClass implements the IPoolable interface?


  • I have found this before as well. If the node contains nothing, when you trace it, it is nothing. But this should give you an XMLList, which should have a length().