What is the best way to define new attribute macros in the Nette Framework?
Moreover, would it be possible to do so in the config file?
define your own macro is really simple in Nette Framework, first you must create MacroSet:
$latte = new Nette\Latte\Engine;
$set = new Nette\Latte\Macros\MacroSet($latte->compiler);
then create new Macro with args:
$set->addMacro('if', 'if (%node.args):', 'endif');
And solution for your second question:
Class MyMacroSet extends Nette\Latte\Macros\MacroSet
public static function install(Nette\Latte\Compiler $compiler)
$compiler->addMacro('if', 'if (%node.args):', 'endif');
and in config.neon you can register your macroSet:
- MyMacroSet::install($service->compiler)