
TTNavigator does not work when used in DDMenuController's leftController

so, I tried creating a project using this awesome DDMenuController and set a list menu controller in the left, with just datasource of three20's items, like this:

[section addObject:[TTTableTextItem itemWithText:@"Groups" 

[section addObject:[TTTableTextItem itemWithText:@"Friends" 

[section addObject:[TTTableTextItem itemWithText:@"Updates" 

and these url's i set in the URL Map as Shared View Controllers.

The problem here is nothing happens when i tap on the cell which should basically just push to a specified view controller,

But when i tried setting my right controller the same controller with my left controller, it works.


  • I didnt notice that DDMenuController overided

    (void)pushViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController 

    so i just add some codes to enable pushing in left view controller:

    - (void)pushViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController 
                      animated:(BOOL)animated {
       //DDMenuController code here...
      else {
         [self showRootController:YES];
         [super pushViewController:viewController animated:NO];