
Resigning system.img on a device

I am working on an automatic app updating solution for devices (LG p509 - Optimus 1) which we deploy to our customers. We have control of these devices and currently install a custom kernel on them (but not a full custom ROM). Since we are trying to do auto-updating of our app on the device, we need the system to be signed by a key which we control so we can sign our apps with the same key (to get the INSTALL_PACKAGES permission).
I have been having a few issues running AOSP builds on the device (using the LG released source for the device), and am trying to take a step back and evaluate our options. I have a few questions:

  1. Is it viable to just pull the system.img off the phone and resign the contents? If so, where is the system apk located? I poked through the PackageManager source and it uses a systempackage (seemingly called "android") to compare apps with to see if they are allowed to have system permissions.
  2. Has anyone here created a custom ROM for the device that could offer some advice on how just get our signature be the system signature?

Any insight would be appreciated.


  • Ok, so we figured it out. I am not going to go into full detail (too much writing), but here is the basic gist for anyone who stumbles on this:

    If you want change the key which the system is signed with, you need to do the following steps:

    On my specific device I had to resign both /system/framework/framework-res.apk and /system/framework/lge-res.apk from /system/framework and also had to de-odex and sign 20 .apks from the /system/app folder in order to get everything running smoothly.