Currently I have one application in which I am able to access .mdb or .accdb file with JdbcOdbcDriver to append some data.
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MsAccessDSN");
but in this, I need to configure System DSN. We need to add new Data Source (Microsoft Access Driver) and then need to provide location of .mdb file. Only then above code will work.
Suppose I want to run my application on other system then I need to do same thing to that computer. If I give my application to the client and he/she don't know how to configure .mdb file. Then my whole effort will waste. So any driver is available by which I create .mdb file by my Java Code and then append all the data into the table of .mdb file. Or is there any other way, where Java code can create .mdb file and able to access this database file.
I tried this code which append data without configuring System DNS:
public class TestMsAccess {
private static Connection con;
private static Statement stm;
private static String tableName = "EmpDetail";
private static int id_is = 2;
private static String name_is = "Employee1";
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=D:\\MSAccessProject/Employee.mdb", "", "");
stm = con.createStatement();
// enter value into table
String addRow = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES ( "
+ id_is + ", '"
+ name_is + "')";
if (con != null) { con.close(); }
if (stm != null) { stm.close(); }
But the problem is, this code not create .mdb file automatically but work when I create .mbd file and table before running this code.
Update for Jackcess 2.x: Databases are now created (or opened) using DatabaseBuilder
, so to create a new database file we do
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database.FileFormat;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.DatabaseBuilder;
public class JackcessDemoMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String dbPath = "C:/Users/Public/newDb.accdb";
// using try-with-resources is recommended to ensure that
// the Database object will be closed properly
try (Database db = DatabaseBuilder.create(FileFormat.V2010, new File(dbPath))) {
System.out.println("The database file has been created.");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Original answer for Jackcess 1.x (deprecated):
If you would like to create the “.mdb” file through java, you can use the Jackcess Java library which is one of the pure Java Library for reading from and writing to MS Access databases. Currently supporting versions include 2000-2007 I guess. Please have a look at the below example for better understanding:
package com.jackcess.lib;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.ColumnBuilder;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Table;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.TableBuilder;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
public class JackcessLibrary {
private static Database createDatabase(String databaseName) throws IOException {
return Database.create(new File(databaseName));
private static TableBuilder createTable(String tableName) {
return new TableBuilder(tableName);
public static void addColumn(Database database, TableBuilder tableName, String columnName, Types sqlType) throws SQLException, IOException {
tableName.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder(columnName).setSQLType(Types.INTEGER).toColumn()).toTable(database);
public static void startDatabaseProcess() throws IOException, SQLException {
String databaseName = "C:/Users/compaq/Desktop/employeedb.mdb"; // Creating an MS Access database
Database database = createDatabase(databaseName);
String tableName = "Employee"; // Creating table
Table table = createTable(tableName)
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("Emp_Id").setSQLType(Types.INTEGER).toColumn())
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("Emp_Name").setSQLType(Types.VARCHAR).toColumn())
.addColumn(new ColumnBuilder("Emp_Employer").setSQLType(Types.VARCHAR).toColumn())
table.addRow(122875, "Sarath Kumar Sivan","Infosys Limited.");//Inserting values into the table
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SQLException {