My app was recently denied because it is set to stream 60+ mb files from my web server and play them; the MPMoviePlayerController downloaded the entire file in 5-10 minutes while simultaneously playing it. From the testing perspective, the app worked great, but Apple limits audio streaming to 5mb/5min.
How would I go about limiting the buffer rate to only buffer 5mb/5min?
I have no idea which direction to go. I am willing to overhaul as long as the player can still stream the files from my web server.
All replies are appreciated.
Live Streaming is limited due to cellular network limits, so the only way to do this is to do this:
Google "HTTP Live Streaming"
Download the tools from Apple's Dev Center and install them
You will need to use Terminal to mediafilesegment the flies
mediafilesegmenter /Path\ to\ File/Name.mp3
Then upload the .m3u8 files and the segments to your server (same directory) and stream the m3u8. Problem solved!