
How to check if template is compatible with older versions of Firefox, Chrome and Opera

well we have IETester tool to check a template with different versions of IE but what about other browsers .

I have Last versions of firefox , chrome and opera and I try my template with them .

questions :

1 - do other browsers have the same problem as IE in their different versions ( IE6 has one standard , IE 7 another , IE 8 its own , IE 9 is something else ! ) , so necessary to check template in older versions as we do with IE ?

2- if yes , how to do that ? any tools ?


  • Yes, other browsers have differences in rendering webpages based on browser version, though they are often not as significant rendering differences in comparison to those in different versions of Internet Explorer.

    Some of these rendering differences are documentated at Quirks Mode.

    Whether it is necessary to check for rendering issues on your template is ultimately your decision which you make based on what level of cross browser compatibility you want to support.

    Tools for testing cross browser compatiablity include: