
Are there any disadvantages to using Bitnami vs a native server stack?

I have read about the advantages of using a BitNami stack for LAMP development, now I am wondering if there are any drawbacks to using BitNami vs manually installing PHP, MySQL, and Apache separately. I use Mac OS but I would be interested on how it applies to both Mac and Windows. Any thoughts?


  • I am one of the developers of BitNami. Whether to use a native stack or a BitNami stack depends on what you are trying to do. Installing the individual items separately should be exactly the same as running our installer, and the whole purpose why we put the installers together is so you would not have to :) In the case of Mac, one of the advantages of BitNami is that you can have more up-to-date components and multiple installations. A disadvantage / difference is that the applications and path will be different than the typical ones so if you are using third-party tutorials or documentation, it may not work right away