I am a newbee to solr.I am having a problem with adding fields/metadata to pdf files while indexing them in solr using the ContentStreamUpdateRequest.As the literal parameter must be used to add fields I tried the following:
public static void indexFilesSolrCell(String fileName,String solrId,int i,String name,String Category,String loc,String locat)
throws IOException, SolrServerException {
ContentStreamUpdateRequest up = new ContentStreamUpdateRequest("/update/extract");
File f1 = new File(fileName);
up.addFile(new File(fileName));
up.setParam("literal.name",name );
up.setParam("literal.url_file", loc);
The pdf file gets indexed in solr but the problem is that Not all the fields have been created using literals.The following fields have been created:
While it does not create fields like url_file or anything like path or location.*At times* it does not create the field Category.
As of what I have gone through, any random field could be created using the literal parameter to create a metadata.Why is that fields like id or name or even blah_s are created always but when I try a random field like the above mentioned,solr does not create?
Do we have to declare these random fields anywhere else as well?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Update: Doesn't calling the method up.setParam("literal.myField") modify the schema.xml to create a new field?
That's because you're using the solr examples, which doesn't contain the url_file
and location
fields. You can find the schema.xml
under example/solr/conf
. I suggest you to clean it up a little keeping only the fields you need, since that schema contains a lot of fields you don't really need.
The blah_s field gets created because the schema you're using contains the following definition:
<dynamicField name="*_s" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true"/>
It's a dynamic field with suffix _s
, it means every field with that suffix will be taken by Solr as string
, indexed
and stored
as well.
To modify the schema.xml
you need to open it locally and make changes to the xml file, then reload Solr. Remember that after a schema change you need to reindex, re-running the code you pasted in your question.