
Logical operator || in javascript, 0 stands for Boolean false?

I happened to know the following code

Here is the code, and very simple:

var test = 0 || -1 ;

then the output in the console is -1

and somehow i am really new into the javascript,

all i think of is that the 0 stands for Boolean False in JS ,and so || operator seems to ignore the 0 and assign the value -1 to the variable

so am i right ? i just want a confirm


  • All values in Javascript are either "truthy" or "falsy".
    The following values are equivalent to false in conditional statements:

    All other values are equivalent to true.

    So... var test = 0 || -1 ; returns -1.

    If it was var test = 0 || false || undefined || "" || 2 || -1 it would return 2

    Logical operator on MDN