
Which browsers support HTML SHORTTAGs?

Which browsers (historic or current versions) support any of the HTML/SGML SHORTTAG constructs?

Have any "widely" used browsers ever supported SHORTTAGS in any way? (IE6 I'm looking at you.)


<p<a href="/">first part of the text</> second part

Got curious after reading an answer demonstrating difficult to parse "valid" HTML.

Tested my self on IE 7, Google Chrome 17, Firefox 11. None of which seemed to support them.


  • No major Browser supports tags like


    cause feature like this hinders/hampers "omissibility" which is far more important and useful feature for most SGML languages.

    If you omit a single closing tag in language+browser that support "SHORTTAGS" the whole structure might be damaged.

    Empty elements in SGML, HTML, XML, and XHTML:

    "In HTML, starting from the very first specification (HTML 2.0), up to and including HTML 4.01, both the omissibility features and the minimizability features have been "on". But while omissibility is supported by Web browsers, though with several bugs, minimization features were not implemented in browsers."