
Issue with Guava's BiMap and LinkedHashMap

Is it possible in Guava,

  1. To conduct a reverse lookup in BiMap for key and multiple values? Precisely, I have key and corresponding multiple values, I want to get key from a value.

  2. To store multiple values in LinkedHashMap? Precisely, I want to store, key - multiple values in some order thus I can get key position in the list.


  • Ad. 1. Yes, it's possible to do a reverse lookup with a BiMap<K, V>, you just call inverse on your BiMap and you get inversed BiMap<V, K> view of your BiMap.

    Example (taken from Guava's test suite):

    public void testMapConstructor() {
      /* Test with non-empty Map. */
      Map<String, String> map = ImmutableMap.of(
          "canada", "dollar",
          "chile", "peso",
          "switzerland", "franc");
      HashBiMap<String, String> bimap = HashBiMap.create(map);
      assertEquals("dollar", bimap.get("canada"));
      assertEquals("canada", bimap.inverse().get("dollar"));

    Ad. 2. Assuming you mean "I want to store, key -> multiple [collection] values" (Map<K, Collection<V>>), ListMultimap is probably what you want, more precisly ArrayListMultimap (preserves values order) or LinkedListMultimap (preserves both keys and values order). If your object is going to be immutable, I strongly advice you use ImmutableListMultimap.

    You can also create your own implementation of Multimap by using factory (bit verbose), i.e. I use:

    private static <K, V> ListMultimap<K, V> makeLinkedArrayListMultimap() {
      return Multimaps.newListMultimap(Maps.<K, Collection<V>>newLinkedHashMap(), 
          new Supplier<List<V>>() {
            @Override public List<V> get() {
              return Lists.newArrayList();
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
      final ListMultimap<String, String> multimap = makeLinkedArrayListMultimap();
      multimap.putAll("one", ImmutableList.of("zero", "three"));
      multimap.putAll("two", ImmutableList.of("three", "four", "three"));
      multimap.putAll("three", ImmutableList.<String>of()); // note that this doesn't add key to multimap
      multimap.put("four", "forty-two");
      // prints {one=[one, three], two=[three, four, three], four=[forty-two]}
      final List<String> listForOnes = multimap.get("one");
      // prints zero

    P.S. Take a look at Guava's wiki, which is explaining both BiMap and Multimap.