
xcode-select -switch path when using cli toolkit

With the release of Apple's Command Line Toolkit for Xcode, I am trying to avoid needing to install Xcode proper. In order to do this, I need to set the path to xcode for specific make files that depend on the xcode-select path (which is currently pointing to /Developer)

Where do I point the xcode-select path when using the CLI Toolkit for Xcode?

If I install Xcode, it's just /Applications/Xcode.app, but I don't know where the CLI Toolkit is being placed.



It appears from the pkg installer that it dumps it all to /usr/bin and then xcode-select or other scripts internal to the pkg create the paths for xcodebuilder etc. Can anyone confirm?


  • sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer