
How can I automatically download backups of a Google Sheet?

I am currently using a Google Form to allow people to submit information that is stored in a Google Docs Spreadsheet (now "Google Sheets"). I was wondering if it is possible to automate a backup of the spreadsheet at regular intervals. For example, every Friday the spreadsheet will be exported as a CSV and either emailed to me or stored on in a password protected directory on the server.

Any ideas are appreciated!


  • cloudHQ (10$+/pm) provides real time synchronization between Google Docs and Dropbox. For example, while user is editing some Google Docs web document, the document is automatically modified in Dropbox.

    Here's the cloudHQ Quick Tour. CloudHQ also provides a Google Chrome extension. With the cloudHQ Chrome browser extension you can sync or replicate anything in your Dropbox or Basecamp account with Google Docs - directly from a Google Docs interface. The extension is available in Google Chrome web Store.