
Progress indicator in complicated silverlight process

I'm working on a silverlight app. When the app loads it starts a complicated layout procedure that takes about 10 seconds to

  1. Load the Dataset via web service
  2. Create objects
  3. Place objects
  4. Download photos
  5. Connect objects

I am unable to show the user any sort of progress indicator that all this is happening. With the exception of step 1 all of the steps seem to be happening on the visual thread. How to split the thread so I can give the user some indication of what is happening?


  • I can't solve you whole problem for you, but can maybe give you a hint in the right direction. I just read this Wicked code article from msdn.

    There is an item in there about "Just in time rendering", it is a bit similar in that it is also showing photos, but only when they are available.

    Hope it helps a bit.