
Facebook timeline "pinned" post how to get via graph API

The graph or FQL (which has the same data) do not list the relevant property in any of the tables that I've checked.

The order of posts in the "stream" does not change with items being pinned.

To clarify just in case, I am asking about the new timeline feature where you can click "edit" on a post and then select "Pin to top". I have to be able to find the pinned post via API or FQL or RSS or any other reasonably reliable way, and I don't need to make a post pinned - just to query for it.

Thank you.



  • There is no current way to get this information. You should put in a bug with Facebook at http://developers.facebook.com/bugs.

    I looked at both beta docs as well as the public documentation too.

    http://developers.beta.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream/ and http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/stream/

    It's possible that the new postings are a new "type", but here's the list of current stream types.

    The type of this story. Possible values are:

    11 - Group created
    12 - Event created
    46 - Status update
    56 - Post on wall from another user
    66 - Note created
    80 - Link posted
    128 - Video posted
    247 - Photos posted
    237 - App story
    272 - App story