
Difference between r-base and r-recommended packages

Can anyone tell me what is the difference between base and recommended packages.

If there is link where base and recommended packages are mentioned please provide the links.


  • The difference actually comes from R Core and the way the R code is organised, for example in the upstream SVN repository.

    In src/library/, you have all 'base' packages:

    And none of these are on CRAN -- they only exist as part of 'base R'.

    And you have a directory src/library/Recommended which by default is empty, but can be filled by using a helper script (tools/rsync-recommended) to get the list of Recommended packages off CRAN from a special (versioned) directory. For R version 3.3.3, it is CRAN/src/contrib/3.3.3/Recommended/ (with the CRAN part being your default mirror). It contains

    Edit 2016-09-06: Added utils to first set.