I need to show an image stored in a database. I'm mapping a C# class Digital, with a field public Byte[] Imagen, to an AS3 class Digital, with a property public Imagen:Object/ByteArray. I'm using Fluorinefx as broker.
I'm trying with s:BitmapImage, assigning .source=Imagen, but graphic doesn't appear.
Do I need to convert in some way the Imagen propery to be able to assign the BitmapImagen's source??
I'm using flex 4.5. Any help I'll appreciate.
Debugging, the real error is:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert []@e49c629 to flash.utils.ByteArray.
This is the real problem, maybe an issue with Fluorinefx?
Ok, this is how I workaround this, apparently exists some issue with Fluorine's C# byte[] type processing; something bad happens with this mapping: (AS3)ByteArray <== byte[] (C#).
Refering to this answer from Pedro Cruz, I had to create another field in C# Digital class:
FluorineFx.AMF3.ByteArray ImagenPresentation;
and use the BytesToByteArray suggested function to return this correct type (FluorineFx.AMF3.ByteArray) from the ImagenPresentation get property:
return BytesToByteArray(Imagen);
Finally, this new field is mapped to ImagenPresentation:ByteArray in AS3.
Kind a mess, but works!.. maybe this can help anyone else, thanks a lot.