Possible Duplicate:
How do I upgrade APC on Zend Community Server (needed for Symfony2)?
I'm trying to set up a new Symfony 2 Standard Application and it keeps telling me that I need to upgrade my php APC extension.
The thing is, on my Zend Server runnning OSX, I already have the newest version of APC, 3.1.9.
I tested on Ubuntu with the same environment, Zend Server and that same version of APC, and it works fine, so the problem is really on OSX.
Apparently, on OSX the APC extension is built-in Zend Server, while on ubuntu it is not.
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix that problem?
The second answer here suggests it is as simple as disabling/re-enabling APC.
However, there is an open Symfony issue (#227) here.
I would suggest installing the APC extension separately and try to disable the built-in Zend Server version. If I remember correctly, the order of how extra extensions are loaded in Zend Server's php.ini
If you're using Homebrew, install APC with this formula and follow the instructions on the installer (enable with extension
not zend_extension
). You can try it without disabling the built-in APC, but to avoid conflicts I would disable it.
Update #1: A couple more things to try:
zend_optimizer.optimization_level = 0
Update #2: Since you need a 32-bit version of APC, try this:
cd /usr/local/src
pecl download apc
tar -zxvf APC-*.tgz
cd APC-*
./configure MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 CFLAGS="-arch i386 -g -Os -pipe -no-cpp-precomp" CCFLAGS="-arch i386 -g -Os -pipe" CXXFLAGS="-arch i386 -g -Os -pipe" LDFLAGS="-arch i386 -bind_at_load" --enable-apc-debug=no --enable-apc-filehits=no --enable-apc-spinlocks=no --enable-apc-memprotect=no --enable-apc-pthreadmutex=yes --enable-apc-pthreadrwlocks=no
make install
After finished, try that one on Zend Server.
Update #3: Check out this article by Ralph Schindler on "Compiling Gearman (or anything) for Zend Server CE on Snow Leopard". And here is one more. Perhaps there is something different in the './configure' commands from those articles that will work for you.