Let's say I have the following revisions:
rev 1:
+ Dim Foo as integer
rev 2:
+ I like big butts, I cannot lie
rev 3
- Dim Foo as integer
Foo is in rev 1 & 2, and removed from three. What command can I issue that will return all changesets that Foo was added or deleted?
Ideally I'd like to be able to do this from toroisehg as well
You can use the grep
command :
hg grep --all Foo
To address Lazy Badger concerns in comments.
$ hg init
$ echo "Dim Foo as integer" > test
$ hg commit -m "1"
$ echo "I like big butts, I cannot lie" > test
$ hg commit -m "2"
$ echo "Dim Foo as integer" > test
$ hg commit -m "3"
$ hg grep --all Foo
The output of the grep command is :
test:2:+:Dim Foo as integer
test:1:-:Dim Foo as integer
test:0:+:Dim Foo as integer
Which means, Foo
was first seen in the file test on revision 0 (the +
sign tells us that), then it dissapeared on revision 1 (the -
signs), and reappear again on revision 2.
I don't know if it is what you want, but it clearly indicates revision on which the searched word was added or deleted.