
SqlServer is in script upgrade mode

Vista just finished one of its many updates. After restarting my computer I try connecting to SqlServer2008 instance with Sql Server Management Studio and I get this error:

Error connecting to '...\MSSQLSERVER2008'. Additional information: Login failed for user '...'. Reason: Server is in script upgrade mode. Only administrator can connect at this time. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18401).

Pressing help gets me to an internet page saying there's no additional information.

Thx Vista & Updates. Anyone an idea because on the internet I can't find anything about this issue.


  • It appears This Guy was having the same problems as you and his only suggestion was to wait a few minutes before trying to log in again.

    I have yet to see any type of Microsoft documentation about this, nor have I seen any forum posts which came to any sort of resolution concerning the same problem.