
NetBeans - how to restore JSTL 1.1 lib jars

For some reason my lib as JSTL 1.1 in the libraries list is empty... The jars paths were removed from the classpath with Tools -> Libraries dialog... How can I restore the JSTL jars back for NetBeans6.5.1 ?

So my question is what jars JSTL 1.1 lib should contain and where to look them for in NetBeans installed folders?


  • On my system, JSTL 1.1 library contains the jars:


    As to where they are located, they're buried in Netbeans.

    Specifically, (on my machine, a Mac) there is a .netbeans folder in my home folder.

    Pretty sure this exists on Windows as well.

    Within .netbeans, there's a folder for your specific version (6.5 in this case).

    Within that, is a modules directory.

    The jars are located at:


    The association of the jars to the library are made in a file:


    If these files are all intact, you might want to try and remove the folder:


    Netbeans creates this, and if Netbeans start going stupid on you, erasing it and letting it rebuild it may clean things up for you.