
Convert web html to e-mail Html

I was wondering, if there is software out there that can convert an (web html css) to (e-mail html inline css) file, in order to be viewable from most e-mail clients like outlook, Thunderbird or webmails like gmail,yahoo,hotmail etc.

I would like to be able to write my code as I do writing xhtml files and then import that file to the program and convert divs to tables and css to inline styles compatible for e-mail clients.

Any suggestions?


  • Unfortunately I know of no software that will directly do this. There are features that can be represented in divs that cannot be in tables. Furthermore, it is not trivial to send the actual HTML.

    email html is somewhat of a dark art as it requires layout techniques that were deprecated (tables for layout) and manually testing on relevant platforms (Yahoo, Google, Thunderbird, Outlook).