
Symfony 1.4 Permissions and Credentials AND OR not working

Need to know if I'm missing something... I'm using sfGuardPlugin and trying to get a complex credential to work... and it's not even that complex. I just can't get either AND or OR to work.

"user_a" is set up to have permission "A" in both permissions and group "A" which also has permission "A" assigned to it.

I also have a Permission "B" and a group "B" set up in the same fashion as above... however, I did not assign user_a to these permissions. To be clear: user_a only has A permissions.

Now in security I have the following (where the user needs to either have credential A or B):

  credentials: [[A, B]]

Now when I try to have user_a access the dashboard, it fails and redirects to the credentials required page. I tried the same thing with an AND statement and set up user_a with both, using:

  credentials: [A, B]

...again, it failed.

Now, when I remove the brackets, and just use one credential, it all works perfectly. It's just when I use them in combination, in any form, that I run into problems.

Furthermore, I have checked if the user has a single credential, using:

echo $user->hasCredential('A');

And it responds as expected: True

But if I assign the user to both A and B and then try either:

echo $user->hasCredential(array('A', 'B'), false);


echo $user->hasCredential(array('A', 'B'));

It responds with False.

I'm stumped. What am I missing? I MUST have at least the [[OR]] working. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a work-around?

EDIT: code snippet in myUser.class:

public function hasCredential($permission_name)
    //this overrides the default action (hasCredential) and instead of checking
    //the user's session, it now checks the database directly.  
    if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) {
      return false;
    $gu = $this->getGuardUser();
    $groups = $gu->getGroups();
    $permissions = $gu->getPermissions();

    $permission_names = array();
    foreach($permissions as $permission) {
      $permission_names[] = $permission->getName();
    foreach($groups as $group) {
      $group_permissions = $group->getPermissions();
      foreach($group_permissions as $group_permission) {
        $permission_names = array_merge($permission_names, array($group_permission->getName()));
    $permission_names = array_unique($permission_names);
    return (in_array($permission_name, $permission_names)) ? true : false;


The above code snippet is indeed the problem. I tested it without the code snippet and it works as expected. So my next question, is how to tweak the snippet to accommodate instances with AND or OR? Suggestions?


  • I'm going to close this question, because I have found the problem and I will open a new question as a result of the issue I'm having with the code snippet (which becomes a new question).