
svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs keeps padding revision

We are splitting a big svn repository (100k+ revs) into several smaller repos. I am using svndumpfilter (v1.7.2) to split the dump and svndumptool/sed to filter the big dump.

Everything works fine, except that there are still some "padding revisions" in my filtered dump, even though I used the option "drop-empty-revs".

This is not too problematic when we have less than 10% of useless "padding revisions" but sometimes, the new repo has only a few hundreds real revisions that are buried in 30k+ "padding revisions".

Here is the command I use and the revisions that are included

svndumpfilter --drop-empty-revs --renumber-revs include /MyProj < MassiveOldRepo.dump > NewAllCleanRepo.dump

r3453 | (no author) | 2005-09-29 17:27:54 +0200 (jeu., 29 sept. 2005) | 1 line

This is an empty revision for padding.
r3454 | (no author) | 2005-09-29 17:28:27 +0200 (jeu., 29 sept. 2005) | 1 line

This is an empty revision for padding.

I would like to know if there is a way not to include these revisions as I am filtering the dump (without manually removing them from the filtered dump).

EDIT: I would add that my use of svndumpfilter drops some empty revisions, the ones before the first "real" revision and the ones after the last "real" revision.


  • After hours of tests, reading the svndumpfilter source code (which is very well commented, well done!), I realize that these empty revisions don't come from my filtering.

    They are already lying in my original dump and date from 2005.

    Conclusion : Check your data first!!