UPDATE: Solution found
UPDATE: No proposed answers. No solution found on my end. Anybody?
I am using javascript to match the width of columns in two seperate tables (using this to create a scrollable, sticky header table. If the data is all visible (no overflow), the method works fine. If the tables do overflow, however, the table columns do not align. I have a debugging stream that shows the offsetWidths are still returning the same numbers. Any ideas on why this is happening?
Main HTML:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSS/APTEIT.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Utilities/Javascript/Utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Utilities/Javascript/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!--#include file="Utilities/Debug.aspx"-->
<img src="Images/logo.png" />
<div id="headersDiv">
<table class="tbl" id="headers">
<div id="dataDiv" onscroll="syncScrolling('dataDiv','headersDiv');">
<table class="tbl" id="data">
Javascript Method:
Syncs column sizes between two tables.
@param string table1 : First table to sync
@param int table1HeadRow : Row to use as column width sync for table1 (if null, uses first row)
@param string table2 : Second table to sync
@param int table2HeadRow : Row to use as column width sync for table2 (if null, uses first row)
function syncColumnWidths(table1, table1HeadRow ,table2, table2HeadRow){
UtilLogger.log(HtmlLogger.INFO,"-Syncing Column Widths-")
if((typeof table1 == "string" ||table1.constructor == String) && (typeof table2 == "string" ||table2.constructor == String)
&& (typeof table1HeadRow == "number" || table1HeadRow == null) && (typeof table2HeadRow == "number" || table1HeadRow == null)){
tableOne = document.getElementById(table1);
tableTwo = document.getElementById(table2);
//Set row to check and get row
if(table1HeadRow == null){
t1Start = 0;
t1Start = table1HeadRow;
if(table2HeadRow == null){
t2Start = 0;
t2Start = table2HeadRow;
t1Row = tableOne.rows[t1Start];
t2Row = tableTwo.rows[t2Start];
//Get end number
if(t1Row.cells.length < t2Row.cells.length){
tEnd = t1Row.cells.length;
tEnd = t2Row.cells.length;
//Sync widths
for(i = 0; i < tEnd; i++){
UtilLogger.log(HtmlLogger.CONFIG,"syncColumnWidths:t1 width:"+t1Row.cells[i].offsetWidth+" t2 width:"+t2Row.cells[i].offsetWidth);
if(t1Row.cells[i].offsetWidth > t2Row.cells[i].offsetWidth){
t2Row.cells[i].style.width = t1Row.cells[i].offsetWidth+"px";
t1Row.cells[i].style.width = t1Row.cells[i].offsetWidth+"px";
UtilLogger.log(HtmlLogger.FINE,"syncColumnWidths:setting t2 width to t1");
t1Row.cells[i].style.width = t2Row.cells[i].offsetWidth+"px";
t2Row.cells[i].style.width = t2Row.cells[i].offsetWidth+"px";
UtilLogger.log(HtmlLogger.FINE,"syncColumnWidths:setting t1 width to t2");
alert("syncColumnWidths takes parameters (string, int|null, string, int|null)");
UtilLogger.log(HtmlLogger.INFO,"-Syncing Column Widths Complete-");
.tbl tr td{
Debug prints:
-Syncing Column Widths Complete-
syncColumnwidths:t1 style width:28px t2 style width:28px
syncColumnWidths:setting t1 width to t2
syncColumnWidths:t1 width:12 t2 width:28
syncColumnwidths:t1 style width:27px t2 style width:27px
syncColumnWidths:setting t1 width to t2
syncColumnWidths:t1 width:26 t2 width:27
syncColumnwidths:t1 style width:129px t2 style width:129px
syncColumnWidths:setting t2 width to t1
syncColumnWidths:t1 width:129 t2 width:30
syncColumnwidths:t1 style width:137px t2 style width:137px
syncColumnWidths:setting t1 width to t2
syncColumnWidths:t1 width:40 t2 width:137
-Syncing Column Widths-
-Default Page Loaded-
-Default Page Loading-
Table-layout for both tables needs to be fixed in order to adjust the size of the cells and have it affect the table as a whole. By default, this is auto, and the table adjusts to the size of it's container/contents of its cells.