
How to import from SQLite database?

I have an SQLite database file exported from Scraperwiki with .sqlite file extension. How do I import it into R, presumably mapping the original database tables into separate data frames?


  • You could use the RSQLite package.

    Some example code to store the whole data in data.frames:

    ## connect to db
    con <- dbConnect(drv=RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname="YOURSQLITEFILE")
    ## list all tables
    tables <- dbListTables(con)
    ## exclude sqlite_sequence (contains table information)
    tables <- tables[tables != "sqlite_sequence"]
    lDataFrames <- vector("list", length=length(tables))
    ## create a data.frame for each table
    for (i in seq(along=tables)) {
      lDataFrames[[i]] <- dbGetQuery(conn=con, statement=paste("SELECT * FROM '", tables[[i]], "'", sep=""))