
How to configure mod_proxy to block every site except one

I'm trying to set up mod proxy to block all traffic except to a specific domain. I can configure it to block individual domains using the ProxyBlock directive, and I can block everything using ProxyBlock *. Is there a way to block everything but one domain?




  • On apache 2.2 you need to have 2 proxy sections.

    ProxyRequests On
    ProxyVia On
    # block all domains except our target
    <ProxyMatch ^((?!www\.proxytarget\.com).)*$>
       Order deny,allow
       Deny from all
    # here goes your usual proxy configuration...
    <ProxyMatch www\.proxytarget\.com >
       Order deny,allow
       Deny from all
       Allow from

    On apache 2.4 it would be much easier because you could use the If directive instead of that regexp to invert the match for the domain name.

    Note: I got that regexp from Invert match with regexp