
Fastest algorithm to compute (a^(2^N))%m?

There are well-known algorithms for cryptography to compute modular exponentiation (a^b)%c (like Right-to-left binary method here :

But do algorithm exist to compute modular exponentiation of the form (a^(2^N))%m faster than with "classical" algorithms ?

Thank you very much !

Note :

1) m can be a very large prime ... or not (so no optimization depending on m)

2) N can be as large as 2^32-1 (N < 2^32)


  • If m is a prime, you can compute this much faster.

    You start with computing of p = 2N % (m-1) with right-to-left binary method.

    Then you use right-to-left binary method to compute ap % m, which is equal to the original expression because of Fermat's little theorem.

    If m is not prime, but small enough, so that it can be factored, you can compute Euler's totient function and use Euler's Theorem.

    If no optimization depending on m is possible, probably the best you can do is using Montgomery reduction.