
Keyword messages in smalltalk (Beginner)(Pharo)

I am trying to create a keyword message style method, but I can't figure out how to access the Receiver from inside the method. I am sure this is simple, however I can't find the answer anywhere. What I am trying to implement is redundant, but I would still like to know how it works.

subst: i1 by: i2
      ^ self copyReplaceAll: i1 with: i2.

It would be called in the workspace as follows:

string1 := 'Lemon'.
string2 := 'm'.
string3 := 'ss'.
string1 subst: string2 by: string3.

Error msg: "MessageNotUnderstood: ByteString>>subst:by:"

All the method should do is replace every occurance of "m" in "Lemon" with "ss" to create "Lesson" (which copyReplaceAll already does). I can't figure out how to get string1 into the method. Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks in advance!


  • self is the current object (i.e. the receiver).

    Please read (or at least skim) a tutorial to get the basics.

    "MessageNotUnderstood: ByteString>>subst:by:"

    This error means that you have not defined the message on ByteString. Either you have failed to actually define it anywhere, or you have defined it on the wrong class.