
Disable NSView mousedown

i have an NSScrollView with an NSView set as its document view. I am trying to get the mousedown event in the NSScrollView but the NSView keeps intercepting it. Is there a way of stopping this from happening?

Also is there a way of stopping it in one area of the view much like an NSTrackingArea does for mouseentered.

Thanks in advance,



  • Can you override -mouseDown: in your subview to just forward the event to the next responder?

    You can also this by overriding the superview's -hitTest: to return either itself (when you don't want subviews to receive events) or a subview (in all other cases where a subview contains the event location).

    As regards your last question, you can accomplish this with -hitTest: as well. Just return self if the event occurs in a subview's "exclusion zone."

    If you go this route, be sure to pay attention to the coordinate system in use at any given time and convert between them as needed.