i am using esql to select by using entity framework Here is my coding
using (ObjectContext ctx = new ObjectContext("Name=LEWREDBEntities"))
string result = "select articleDetail.*, master_project_category.CATEGORY_NAME as category2 ";
result += " from( ";
result += " select lewre_article.ARTICLE_NUMBER, ";
result += " lewre_article.REFERENCE_NUMBER, ";
result += " lewre_article.ARTICLE_ID, ";
result += " master_product_category.CATEGORY_ID, ";
result += " master_product_category.CATEGORY_NAME, ";
result += " master_product_category.P_CATEGORY_ID, ";
result += " lewre_article.PROJECT_ID, ";
result += " lewre_project.PROJECT_NAME, ";
result += " master_product_type.PRODUCT_TYPE_NAME, ";
result += " master_brand.BRAND_NAME, ";
result += " lewre_article.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID, ";
result += " lewre_article.PRODUCT_TYPE_ID, ";
result += " lewre_article.BRAND_ID, ";
result += " lewre_article.STATUS, ";
result += " lewre_article_img.SAMPLE_IMG_CONTENT_TYPE, ";
result += " lewre_article_img.SAMPLE_IMG, ";
result += " minMaxSize.maxSize, ";
result += " minMaxSize.minSize ";
result += "from( ";
result += " select lewre_article.ARTICLE_ID, MIN(lewre_product.SIZE) as minSize , MAX(lewre_product.SIZE) as maxSize";
result += " from LEWREDBEntities.[LEWRE_ARTICLE] as lewre_article, ";
result += " LEWREDBEntities.[LEWRE_PRODUCT]as lewre_product";
result += " where lewre_article.ARTICLE_ID = lewre_product.ARTICLE_ID";
result += " group by lewre_article.ARTICLE_ID";
result += " ) as minMaxSize, ";
result += " LEWREDBEntities.[LEWRE_ARTICLE] as lewre_article ,";
result += " LEWREDBEntities.[LEWRE_PROJECT] as lewre_project,";
result += " LEWREDBEntities.[MASTER_PRODUCT_TYPE] as master_product_type,";
result += " LEWREDBEntities.[MASTER_PRODUCT_CATEGORY] as master_product_category,";
result += " LEWREDBEntities.[MASTER_BRAND] as master_brand,";
result += " LEWREDBEntities.[LEWRE_ARTICLE_IMG] as lewre_article_img";
result += " where lewre_article.PROJECT_ID = lewre_project.PROJECT_ID ";
result += " and lewre_article.PRODUCT_TYPE_ID = master_product_type.PRODUCT_TYPE_ID ";
result += " and lewre_article .PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID = master_product_category.CATEGORY_ID ";
result += " and lewre_article.BRAND_ID = master_brand.BRAND_ID ";
result += " and lewre_project.STATUS ='U' ";
result += " and lewre_article_img.ARTICLE_ID = lewre_article.ARTICLE_ID ";
result += " and lewre_article_img.IMG_DEFAULT = TRUE ";
result += " and lewre_article_img.STATUS ='A' ";
result += " ) as articleDetail ";
result += " inner join LEWREDBEntities.[MASTER_PRODUCT_CATEGORY]as master_project_category on ArticleDetail.P_CATEGORY_ID = master_project_category.CATEGORY_ID ";
result += " ";
result += " ";
ObjectQuery<DbDataRecord> query = ctx.CreateQuery<DbDataRecord>(result);
string abc = query.ToTraceString();
//foreach (DbDataRecord rec in query)
How can i get the articleDetail.* value? I get the error "The query syntax is not valid. Near term '*', line 1, column 39." Please help me. thank you
Use only the name of the alias, without the *
select articleDetail, master_project_category....